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face to face|2016|Taipei
"face to face" is a funny-faces-collecting campaign held by One-Forty. To raise the public awareness on the issue of South-East Asia migrant workers in Taiwan. In July, the project will be curated into a mobile photo gallery in Taipei City along with the celebration of yearly Eid al-Fitr (the end of Ramadan) of Muslim.
《面對面》計畫以法國攝影師 JR 在全球各地令人驚艷的攝影展覽行動:Inside Out 為藍本。這次與 One-Forty 合作,希望能藉著攝影展讓大家能夠關心東南亞移工議題。七月,時為伊斯蘭齋戒月的終止,配合著移工季的活動,我們將會在台北舉辦實體的展覽。
full article: Eng|中文
face to face|2016|HuaShan 1914, Taipei
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