《_ _日本》|2013|Japan
From Feb. 2013, I began my 7-months trip in Japan. Besides exchange program, I did wwoof (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) volunteering works as well. Through out the whole journey I have the chance to capture the people working and living here. I start thinking about the relationship between the environment and the people at such places. This album (and was held a solo gallery in 2014) is separated into two part in a large sense: the first 24 color photos are set up to construct the image of the habitat of Japanese, and the second part is the people, who leads different lives at which appears in the first part. You would see several familiar spots and elements combined with the non-typical scenery.
Please enjoy.
full article: Eng & 中文
滋賀信樂山田牧場 Siga, Shigaraki, Yamata Farm
東京JR銀座站 Tokyo, JR Ginza Station
東京井之頭公園 Tokyo, Inokashira Park
秋田 Akita
京都南禪寺 Kyoto, Nanzen-ji
大阪枚方市穗谷自然農園 Osaka, Hirakata City, Hotani Nature Farm
橫濱元町山下公園旁碼頭 Yokohama, Motomachi, wharf beside Yamashita Park
青森白神山地休息處 Aomori, Shirakami Sanchi, the rest place
東京六本木新美術館 Tokyo, Roppongi, the National Art Center
京都伏見稻荷大社千鳥居 Kyoto, Fushimi Inari-taisha, Torii Tori
東京新宿歌舞伎町 Tokyo, Shijyuku, Kabikicho
京都銀閣寺前 Kyoto, Ginkakuji
東京築地大和壽司 Tokyo, Tsukiji, Yamato Sushi
京都祇園八坂神社 Kyoto, Gion, Yasaka Shrine
東京築地波除稻荷神社 Tokyo, Tsukiji, Namiyoke Inari Shrine
京都祇園豆寅 Kyoto, Gion, Mametora
青森睡魔祭 Aomori, Nebuta matsuri
秋田竿燈祭 Akita, Kanto matsuri
新潟護國神社萬燈鎮魂祭 Gokoku Shrine, Mitama matsuri
東京港區東京鐵塔附近鞍點 Tokyo, Minato, the saddle point near Tokyo Tower
千葉南柏笠原家的廚房 Chiba, Minami Kashiwa, the kitchen of Kasahara Family
東京Sky Tree 350樓往西南兩國隅田川方向 Tokyo, Sky Tree 350F, southwest of Tokyo, Ryōgoku and Sumida River
福島會津若松城 Fukushima, Tsuruga-Jo
東京新宿歌舞伎町 Tokyo, Shijyuku, Kabikicho