One-Forty, a non-profit start-up, dedicated to create the best interconnecting as well as empowering experience for South-East Asia migrant workers in Taiwan. Begins from mid of 2015, it designed courses: businese lectures, M4M(migrant for migrant), One-Forty School, etc. As nowadays, the issue of preserving the right of 3D workers(dirty, dangerous, demeaning) has been spotlighted, nor has One-Forty been absent. SEA-Sunday, held on Sunday at the end of every month, invited Taiwanese people to explore South-East Asian cultrues: the Philippine neighbor around St. Christopher Church, Indonesian groceries and food places at Taipei Main Station, Vietnam community at Taoyuan Station, etc. Through the understanding process, One-Forty believes the discrimination ends with familiarity. By the time of mid 2016, it has reached up to 9 000 audiences on social networks, released over 20 lectures, 10 SEA-Sundays and enhance hundreds of migrant workers' life experience.
This album recorded the activities and the events of this NGO.
See what One-Forty is doing these days!
One-Forty 是一個關注東南亞移民工議題的新創非營利組織。2015年,在台灣的東南亞移工(外籍勞工)數量已達58萬人,平均在台灣每40個人就有1位東南亞移工,這是 One-Forty 的命名由來。One-Forty 要做的是替東南亞移工發聲,透過一系列的創業育成輔導與相關資源,讓移工順利返鄉創業,除了改善結構性的家庭經濟與社會問題,也增進移工對於自我的認知與自信,最終讓移工不再被其命運所主宰,自己就能成為改變本身。至2016年年中,One-Forty 已成功舉辦近20場的移工商學院、M4M(migrant for migrant)課程以及 One-Forty School,觸及到百位移工。社群媒體上也有 9 000 人次的關注。
此外,One-Forty 也籌劃各種街頭活動與組織串連,減低台灣人與東南亞移工的隔閡,讓雙方從接觸開始,進而有機會了解、包容與同理。除了讓東南亞移工更友善的融入台灣社會,同時也培養台灣民眾的公民素養,擁有更多元完整的國際觀。
這本攝影集記錄了 One-Forty 好玩的課程以及興奮有趣的活動。